Just As i Am...


You're just as far in as you'll ever be out - and these mistakes you made? you'll just make them again, if you only try turning around...

how do you fight the loneliness?
smile all the time?
shine your teeth to meaningless - and sharpen them with lies
and whatever's going down - will follow you around
that's how you fight loneliness
you laugh at every joke
drag your blanket blindly - and fill your heart with smoke...
and the first thing that you want - will be the last thing you ever need
that's how you fight it
just smile all the time
just smile all the time
just smile all the time

i have insomnia
i woke up to give laken a bottle and he had fever.
he's asleep again. but right after i finished with him, i had to come back to the kitchen and gather up trash that fell out of the bag that apparently, knocked itself over... and then my nose started bleeding. again. this makes three in a week.

anyway - so i'm gonna get serious. because all of a sudden, i realize it's 4 am and i'm feeling.

not really sure WHAT i'm feeling
but it's something along the lines of loneliness. and i don't want anyone to comment here and say things you think i want to hear. This is hard. i've never been so lonely in my life. and i have tons of people surrounding me. i have a roommate that cracks me up non stop, a son that just BEAMS light into my life. and i'm lonely. not alone.

there are so many things that hit the fan this past week. as i sat in my car in traffic, i realized this morning that my 10 year reunion for high school is in two years. and while i came from a small school and most of my class has done nothing... i still feel like i'm not where i should be at this stage in my life. and that thought is the equivalent of running my nails down a chalkboard. i hate it!

Today, i found out my baby sister - who is 18 years old - is pregnant. i'm disappointed. not in her. just in the way the cookie crumbles. but of course i can't say that she should've been married... or that she should've been done with school ... because i'm in the same boat. just 8 years older. and really... which is worse??

so i look around this place. my big house. and bed. and life. and realize.... it's just me in it!
and i'm aware that there are things and people and events that fill it up occasionally... but for the most part - when i am alone at three a.m. studying for a genetics test - i realize it has... and always will be just me.

and i'm not comfortable in my own skin yet. not really sure that i'm not allergic to myself. not sure that, if given the chance, i would start all over again. i say i don't have regrets... but really - don't we all? on some sub-conscious level. don't we wish... wish??

and i'm sitting here crying for no apparent reason. just to get the poison out.

i have another test this week. and while i was sitting in my Physics lab today, i realized... i don't know anything about what's going on. and that.. makes me lonely in my brain. all this information. and nowhere to go with it. nowhere to digest it. i'm just reading. taking. soaking. and regurgitating everything that's shoved down my throat for thousands of dollars a semester. and what the hell am i going to do with it? will i ever get where i'm going? Is my Medical Degree the equivalent of paris... or italy? will i ever really get there or will i... should i, just keep dreaming and settle for Disneyland?

... i'm crying
... and my nose is bleeding again

maybe it's to remind me that i'm alive. or slowly dying...

i think i've had too much of this whole life thing. i'm done. i'm tired of it. it exhausts me. and tomorrow i will tackle the same exact things that i did today. and i will complain about it again. and i will smile and laugh and drag that blanket behind me. because it's the only thing i know how to do!!! if i ever stop and look back at the things that are behind me - i'll lose sight of where i am. and that's where i am. i'm lost. i've fallen. yet again. right here. right now. and i'm not sure i'm ready to get up again. i don't want to put another dime in the slot machine. i'm tired of pulling and pulling and pulling... and nothing. i think i kinda like life from this angle anyway. looking up at everything.

so i'm gonna sit here and stare at the sky. contemplate the clouds. and whether or not now is the time... to dust myself off and get off my ass. but for now - right now - i'm at the bottom of the barrel. the bottom rung.

i'm thinking i might need a break from all of this. to embrace my loneliness and then get over it... figure out who i am at this given moment in time and if she's ready to go another round. cause honestly, what choice does she have???


At 5:28 AM , Blogger angieoh! said...

Ok. YOU ARE NOT ALONE and feeling lonely and afraid is so normal. Sometimes when I read your posts I feel like you and I are cosmically related.

I have been married for about two years. I too suffer from chronic loneliness. It is scary and bad feeling. I know that I am not alone - plenty of friends and fam and all of that. Just alone with what to do next? Why am I sad? What happened to my dreams?

Don't give up. I think peoples 20's are super hard - real adult problems with out a lot of experience. YOU CAN DO IT!!! I am your wisconsin internet friend but you can count on me if you need someone to talk to or email just to get it out without someone saying, "its not that bad" hang in there. GRRRR you know that, you know that there will be brighter days, doesn't make the sad days any easier though.

Be strong. Your sweetie son has a super cool mom who wants to know and love herself... think of what you can teach him!

gotta run, but email me if you need me ok?

At 6:26 AM , Blogger Scott said...

What a great post! I am really sorry that you are feeling that way and I really hope that you feel better. From the limited time that I have known you, i think that you are one of stongest people I know. And I know that is a shitty thing to hear when you are feeling this way. I have been hearing that most of my life from people so I can relate.

But, hey. Keep the chin up and keep doing what you know how to do.

Your friend,


At 8:12 AM , Blogger mikster said...

I think we all have had moments like this.....'this too shall pass'...and hopefully soon.

Now hop on over to my place and see what an idiot I made out of myself today...that oughtta brighten your day up....lol

At 10:01 AM , Blogger Greta Adams said...

You might be feeling lonely but Chriselda you are such a strong person. I haven't known you that long and no that because I tell you..It's hard being a single mother much less a single mother who is in school for a medical degree... YOU ROCK SWEETIE!

At 10:06 AM , Blogger Valerie said...

I used to feel like that sometimes, but eventually you get pass it. You are strong, and I know it will pass. Just think if the positive. And do something new and different, it'll help with all this. Take your mind of things. Sending you big HUGS!!

At 11:02 AM , Blogger sarah said...

I feel the same way as Alison...
I feel that way sometimes too...
I have no answers either...
and you ARE brave to admit it all...because, yep, I usually try and escape from those feelings...and nope, that's not good.

hang in there sweetie!

At 12:43 PM , Blogger Jen said...

You know what? I've felt this exact same way, many times. And I kind of think that it's moments like these that present themselves to us so that we can wake up, take stock, and figure out where to go from here. It's what you do with these emotions that counts, ya know? Even if you just shrug it off, but store it away in your memory for another day, another lesson to be learned.
Okay, enough rambling....
You're tough, you wouldn't have had the courage to write this down if you weren't, and to be really cheesy, This too Shall Pass.

At 1:17 PM , Blogger Jamie said...

I feel like this way to often recently. I loved it when you said "I'm lonely, not alone." That describes me perfectly. To a tee. Thank you so much for posting this, because you are saying what I'm feeling, just way better than I could. Thank you for being so brave to admit it. Chin up girl. For both of us.

At 4:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will be ok. I know how strong you are, how much strength you possess. If the bed bugs bite i know a good exterminator. haha!

At 4:52 PM , Blogger Christielli said...

I agree with other commentors in thanking you for making this post. I've had feelings similar to your own. I have an empty feeling inside despite the fact that I've reached my goals, got the job I want, have wonderful friends and live in a city I want in a fabulous apartment. And yet I still feel unhappy.

I hope that you feel better. And when you said about perhaps your schooling being pointless since you're not sure about whether you'll reach your medical degree which is like Italy or Paris, I thought that you musn't give up, since right now your just boarding your plane, right?

At 6:21 PM , Blogger X said...

Honestly everyone feels this way at some point...at least I hope they do. I'm there now. I'm not disapointed in my accomplishments...but I thought there would be more at this stage.

My hours have been cut so much (along with everyone elses) because of budget tightening...so now I can't afford to move out like I planned. This job has made me so poor I'm living with my mom. Yay me. I cleared more after bills when I was in university. I can't even afford to go out...save a coffee ehere and there. And not one of them fancy ones...I'm talking straight-up dollar coffee.

I have no bf, and no prospects...unless you count a man that I never see anymore. I'm so lonely....but not alone, because I have friends family, etc. I understand. Sigh.

I didn't mean to dump this on you...I guess it was just as a way to show you I can sympathize. If you ever need to talk you know where to find me...blogging away :)

I send you hugs and I hope things look up for you....you deserve it (I didn't type that because I thought you wanted to hear it...I really mean it).

At 10:51 PM , Blogger Jocelyn said...

you're so raw.
and you know that's the highest form of compliment in my world. that's how i want to be. and you know what? i can see a lot of life in you. and you haven't fallen. because you're still here. this is so cheesy, but it's how i feel- you haven't fallen until you refuse to get up. and you won't. you've got strength baby.

At 7:58 AM , Blogger Kat said...

i'm sorry you're feeling that way, but its good that you can talk about it (or blog about it)

thanks for the comment on my blog! nice to *meet* you : ) hope everything gets better for you, and i'm sure it will

At 11:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girlie, just know that you are not alone! Don't give up on life! You've got a gorgeous son who needs his Mommy to be strong for him! I'm sorry you are feeling this way and I wish I lived closer so I could give you a great big hug and let you cry on my shoulder!

I've known you for a long time and I can honestly say that I am proud of you for doing right by your son and am even prouder of you going to school to work in the medical profession!

Life throws us some curve balls from time to time, but in the end, it is God that gets us through them!

I'll be praying for you!


At 3:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"and i'm sitting here crying for no apparent reason. just to get the poison out."
Hi, i'm Hailey - just wanted to say that this phrase is so powerful and true...I really, REALLY like the idea/concept/wording...isn't that what crying is all about?
Hope you were able to feel better after venting all that out..

At 11:46 PM , Blogger caroline said...

**hugs**, dearie.
love ya!

At 9:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh girl,
this makes me hurt for you.
just know that we've all been there.
every single one of us...

At 1:16 PM , Blogger Deanna- yep Dee-na said...

you! chin up- i totally dropped Physics and bailed out of the physical therapy thing years ago. dude you have a child and you are doing awesome! : ) you are entitled to bad days... i got this way too quite a bit- right before i met the right man and he stayed forever... :0) not that any of this matters... when you feel in a funk- it is just that!
hope this weekend you'll get through it.

At 1:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I knew what to say. But I don't. Just know I'm thinking of you!

At 2:54 PM , Blogger Elizabeth said...

i just need to say
I stumbled by your blog from Hailey's...
you have some pretty deep stuff..
you are very cool and very confident, to be able to share the stuff you do!
I am right there with you.
wow, you have an amzing gift to be able to put your (mine, and so many) feelings into words!
rock on chica.. and it is okay to be at the bottom of the barrel.
its good, no great to get the poison out..
thanks for having the courage to write what so many of us feel.
kudos to you !
...and your banner rocks on!!


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