Just As i Am...


The Aftermath...

Christmas is over! thank goodness cause i was feeling bad about not feeling it this year! For those of you who don't know me - things - crazy insane things - happen to me almost daily. My list could go on for days. My friend says she wants to follow me around with a video camera just to prove it. Anyway... Christmas Day - we're on our way out to my family Dinner in this small town about 45 minutes away. I'm driving my brother out there and start pointing out all of the rock chips in my windshield. then BOOM!!! something flew into the front of the car!

I am disgusted by this. and i'm sorry if you were eating dinner. So we turn around to go see what it was that i hit, because, face it, i'm a blogger and i carry three cameras with me at all times to capture stuff like this!

this is all that's left of the little birdie that flew into my car. one feather. it was so sad. i screamed like a little ninny and my brother cracked up laughing. The question is... do birds commit suicide with anyone else's car? or is there some sort of bird conspiracy against me? Amy says this doesn't happen to anyone else that she knows. Steve says "i've never heard of it." Seriously, i kill about 3-4 birds a year in this manner. They hate me.

So we are sitting out in the middle of the highway taking pictures of a dead bird, and this man pulls over in a Suburban. a RED suburban. i didn't even know they came in that color. and he asks me if we need help. "No sir. We're just taking pictures of this bird i hit" He must've thought i was a wack job. So Connor, my brother decides that it was a quail that i hit.

And he's immediately upset because they had just gone Quail hunting and didn't get a kill so easily. "We should take you with us next time." And i was sad. Sad that i had killed a poor animal on Christmas day. "Where's it's head Connor?" and then he tells me that it was smashed up into it's body from the hit. seriously, i can't even tell which end is which with this poor bird. I'm just sad. and a murderer!

The bad thing about being a grown up is that you have to start bringing something to the dinners. My aunt calls me "what side can you bring?" and last time she made me do this, i was at the grocery store against my will looking for bread and dropping sweet potatoes or yams (or whatever the PC term is) all over the produce department. Last time she said "bake something" and i decided on Sweet Potato Casserole and didn't know there was a difference between pancake syrup and Maple Syrup. Dustin Hoffman never mentions anything about that. All he says is the "maple syrup must be on the table before - before - the pancakes." How was i supposed to know maple syrup is not pancake syrup?? So nobody ate my casserole. and my aunt didn't have the heart (until two days ago) to tell me she thought it tasted funky. And not "phunky" cause that would be a good thing.

So this year, she tells me to bring one of those frozen peach cobblers. So i oblige. only, i saw a recipe for a really cute Reindeer cookie. So there i am. Two days before Christmas at 1130 at night, pacing the aisles of of Super Walmart in search of sugar cookie mix. Because i'll be damned if i have to make something entirely from scratch! They're sold out! SOLD OUT! the already prepared dough is gone. i get the last one. so i head over to the cookie and cake mix aisle. sugar cookies... niet! WHY GOD WHY! So, screw those little ingrates at the Christmas party, i'm only making 16 cookies. I had good intentions. Honest.

This is how they started out. All nice and cute and super yummy. I knew they were going to be the talk of the party. I admit, i had some concerns about the M&Ms melting and the pretzels burning. But i figured, what the heck? Well, i can asure you that the Rachel Ray in me failed to come out...

and so did the cookies. This is so pathetic. i can't believe i posted my failures on the world wide web. But, here it is. In all it's glory. My sad, pathetic, road kill reindeer. Needless to say, all i took to the party was that cobbler.

Post Christmas Inventory:

Laken - Car Seat, Clothes, a shload of toys, books, and bubble bath.

Me - that heck of a camera, and $$ baby! Money!! although... the one thing i did ask for - i didn't recieve. and that... that was snow...


At 4:04 PM , Blogger Amy said...

OMG! That reindeer cookie is still making me laugh! It almost looks like a pig, or something.

I think you should audition for "The Birds" if they ever turn it into a play. You could totally be the lead!

At 8:22 PM , Blogger island jen said...

OMG..your reindeer cookies made me cry I was laughing so hard!! God girl I love ya for trying though!! OMG..I gotta go look at them again!!

At 6:03 AM , Blogger Brynne said...

OMG Your reindeer made me crack up! I am sitting at my desk laughing so hard i'm crying and people are walking by wondering what is wrong with me! You are too funny girl! Call me later!

At 8:12 AM , Blogger Jen said...

I have the SAME DAMN PROBLEM with birds. I swear I do. They just run right into my danm car. SO weird.

Nice cookies. BWAHAHAHA

At 9:29 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Oh your poor cookies :( And the poor birdie :( Merry Christmas :)

At 1:45 PM , Blogger nadine jenine said...

oh my gosh. those cookies are hilarious!

At 5:08 PM , Blogger Valerie said...

The cookies just made me laugh!! Poor birdie!! At least Christmas was exciting for you!!

At 5:11 PM , Blogger mikster said...

As someone who considers making toast baking I refuse to knock your cookies....lol

At 8:28 PM , Blogger Scott said...

Nice cookies there champ!! Glad that you had a good Holiday. mine was solid too... just wasn't feeling it all that much either!

Anyway... giong to send you an email. Add a link to me for sure.


At 11:01 PM , Blogger Jessica O'Brien said...

your reindeer cookies are cracking me up!!! hehehe Thanks for documenting those. I looked at the first picture and though- oh those rock! and then scrolled on down to the second.... hehe.

At 5:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

sheesh, poor animal!
whaddya do???
that reindeer is truly sad girl,
you must have cooking skills like me!

At 6:44 PM , Blogger Jocelyn said...

oh sweetie, you are so cute. those reindeer are cute!! they don't look like roadkill at all- don't worry. i have a funner story i can tell you about me putting 10 times too much salt in my cookies. they tasted delightful, clearly. yours turned out cuter (you could see the love behind those cookies), but mine turned out saltier. beat that, bud.

and there's a different between pancake syrup and maple syrup?! news to me. don't worry- there's always someone dumber than you. aka me. almost always. xoxo


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