Just As i Am...


things that make you go "hmmmm"

or is it ummmm? or was it mmmmm?? does anyone remember the song and care to clarify it for me?

well, as far as i'm concerned... these are things that make me go hmmmm (insert delirious grin with half closed eyes...)

** i absolutely love the way my body bruises if i am so much as thumped! I played volleyball this morning and pfffft... got bruises on my hands from serving. just hitting the ball a few times a day has made me look like a battered woman in need of shelter.

** i had a two hour long conversation with a complete stranger last night and have never been called "Morose" so many times in my entire life. Stranger says to me "stop beating yourself up so much... you're so morose. Your sense of humor is like deadpan." thanks buddy!!!

** my organic chemistry lab instructor has a delicious accent... and a slight gap in his teeth that i find incredibly sexy. Why? and i'm not talking about a gap like the one Madge has either. No, this is a little smaller than the Material Girl's. But nonetheless... who would've thought that i would find a space between two teeth -that is NOT supposed to be there... attractive.

** i had to go to the (GASP) grocery store last night. This is the first time in about ..... years that i've had to go to the grocery store. I always went to Super Target, or Wal-Mart. But i hate Wal-Mart with a passion. I only go there because i have to in order to get laken's stuff. Soooo, last night i had to go to the actual market. Apparently, i looked completely lost so one of the guys stocking the shelves asks if i needed help. I said "where's the bread." After he sends me to the wrong aisle, i come back across the store to correct him so he doesn't confuse poor defenseless non-Martha's on their mission to find dinner rolls and sweet potatoes - he asks me (with a hint of smart ass) if i need help finding anything else. So i said, "sweet potatoes." he walks me over to the produce dept. Hey! why don't sweet taters come in a bag like regular russett? I had to weigh and buy them individually. Now... i maybe be a science major and plan to cut humans open some day... but you want me to weigh things? Why can't you just make it easy and bag 'em up for me and label them with a sticker??? After that, i am talking to Laken, telling him his mom is a stoopid ass that can't do simple math. And sweet taters, or yams, or whatever the hell the PC term for them is - fall out of those cheap little produce bags and roll around the produce dept - reminding me of an excursion to the grocery store last year where i stood in front of the tomatoes and asked the woman next to me if i, indeed, was holding up a Roma tomato. She frowned, said yes as though i didn't have anything higher than a kindergarten education and i replied with (what i thought was a good excuse) "I don't cook" and she looked at me head to toe, stuck her nose out and tsked in my direction as she walked away saying "shame on you...." Excuse me. I'm not a housewife... no desire to be Susie Homemaker or be the class mom that makes the best cookies. I just want to have a career that pays me enough to hire someone else to do it for me.

** I went to the career center at school today because i found out i was eligible for free money if i just work at the school. Why didn't i already do this?? I had to take tests and found out i type about a gagilion words a minute. but i'm only about 2% accurate. (not really....) I think the numbers were more like 57WPM and 94% accuracy.

** the other day i said "caca stain" to someone to insult them and decided i love that phrase. So caca stain it is.

** Grey's Anatomy is the ONE HOUR OF TELEVISION i watch a week. and i love it. on friday's i walk around asking "is today sunday?" it's great. but this week, sigh. was such a disappointment. And i can't (for the life of me) remember these people's names. I know there is Dr. Sheperd (or Dr. McDreamy), O'Malley, Meredith, Dr. Burke, Alex... but i can't remember the blonde girl's name. Can't remember Sandra Oh's name... someone help me! this has to stop. and i'm too lazy to google it....

** two of my Solar Nails just popped off randomly. one was while i was fastening laken's car seat. and the other..,. i just looked at my hands and realized it was missing. WTF? i pay $40 for this crap to just POP off my nail beds???

** i'm listening to the iPod and Otto Titsling just came on. Gotta love Bette Midler and shuffle song...

.... i just realized i'm sitting in the middle of a Politics Lecture in the computer lab and i'm distracting everyone with my typing.

so i'll leave you with this. where can i get one of these boogers?

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At 12:41 PM , Blogger Kirsten said...

blonde is Izzy, and Sandra Oh is .. ummm Christina. Love, love love that show!

At 4:37 PM , Blogger nadine jenine said...

i love gray's anatomy too.

and that is quite the bra!

At 6:56 PM , Blogger Amy said...

WTG kirsten on the Grey's Anatomy pop quiz. I always forget the other guy's name. The one that kissed Izzy.....???? Love the bra. Unfortunately I would need two hands on one side. That makes me go Hmmmmmmm.....

At 7:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yes, i need one of those bras!!!! heeheehee... love your musing chickee, too funny!

At 12:03 AM , Blogger caroline said...

you are effing hilarious. hahahah. grey's anatomy roooock ;P

At 10:40 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I visit the grocery store so often it's sick .. it's right down the street from us though, it's so convenient. Hope schoolis going alright!

At 4:08 PM , Blogger Jen said...

He he. Read this last night but didn't comment. You are too funny, and I love you. Have a fabulous flippin Turkey Day!!!

At 4:17 PM , Blogger J and D said...

i'm pretty sure it's hmmmm.... that song was playing on the radio on my way to work this morning!

At 6:34 AM , Blogger Scott said...

Cool blog.. vry fun. Grey's Anatomy is wicked! Too bad about the bruises.


At 6:35 AM , Blogger Scott said...

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